3 Ways to Increase Your Influence and Impact

By our guest blogger, Haydee Antezana
Successful people are not born with a success gene; they develop a scientifically proven secret sauce: the ability to influence and impact with intention. As an executive, you are constantly influencing and impacting those around you. Being aware of how to increase these skills matters greatly in your career.
Follow these three crucial steps to increase your influence and impact as a successful leader in today’s competitive market.
1. Upgrade Brand YOU.
Do a Brand Performance Appraisal.
Whether by design or by default, you have a personal brand. How you are perceived and received by the people you seek to influence and impact matters.
Imagine everyone you’ve interacted with over the last year had to “review” your personal brand on TripAdvisor or Yelp.
On a scale of 1 to 5, what would your rating be? Would you be offered the position of Head Marketer of brand YOU?
Adaptability = Durability
One of the top reasons organizations and individuals fail is they don’t reinvent and evolve their brand for a changing world. This is a costly mistake for both you and your organization. You certainly don’t want to be the next Toys ‘R Us.
In today’s “distraction” economy, attention is in short supply. Check in to ensure your personal brand is continually evolving. When was the last time you upgraded your brand for impact and reset it for relevance?
Internet marketer Gary Vaynerchuk says, “You need to market yourself in the year you live in.” Are you currently doing this? Fill in your date at the end of each statement.
- I updated my LinkedIn profile, photo and banner in ______.
- I raised my hand for a project outside my area of expertise and comfort zone in ______.
- I shared insights with my team about future trends in our industry in ______.
- I spoke on the stage / sat on a panel at an industry event or conference in ______.
If you want to increase your level of influence and impact, you need to consistently evaluate and upgrade your personal brand.
2. Create Meaningful Connections.
The quickest way to increase your Networth is to increase your Network. I’ve built three successful businesses on the foundation of this principle. Within a week of moving to Southern California, I joined the Chamber of Commerce, a Business Mastermind Group and spoke at a Gaming Conference. The power of connection is not a “nice to have,” it’s a job skill. Not developing this skill will limit your career path.
Build Your Circle of Influence.
Business philosopher and speaker Jim Rohn stated, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” These people have the potential to influence your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors, which will lead to your success or lack thereof.
Write down the names of the five people you currently spend the most time with. Answer the following questions:
- Do you aspire to be as successful as they are?
- Do they lift you up and celebrate your successes?
These five people are your Circle of Influence. The higher the quality, the more “social” currency you command. Ensure that you invest, reevaluate and nurture it consistently. Success rubs off on you when you are in the energy field of successful people.
Be a Ninja Networker.
A large number of my clients are in the gaming and hospitality industry – so I meet up with them at NIGA and G2E conferences.
How do you stay top of mind after attending an event? By being different! Don’t just hand out business cards – at the end of the conversation, ask if you can take a selfie with them (use judgment and discretion for this). No one has ever said no to me. If anything, they are flattered. Within 24 hours, text them the photo with a message, “It was great meeting you – enjoyed your valuable insights last night about ______ (be specific). Let’s stay connected.”
Very few people can resist looking at a message with their picture attached and this time, you’re right next to them. Is this more impactful than an email? Does it make you stand out from the crowd? Does it make you memorable? You bet it does!
3. Apply the “Likeable” Factor.
You’ve heard the saying, “People buy from people they like.” It’s been proven that people buy and connect most with people that like them first!
A couple of months ago, my oldest daughter asked her four year old sister, “Who is your favorite person in the house?” I thought she’d say her dad or one of her siblings as they spend 80% of their time together. I was shocked when she said “Mummy.” When asked why, she simply said, “Because she likes me.”
If you are reading this today and don’t particularly like your typical guest, customer or team member, you are in the wrong business and need to move fast before you damage your brand and future career opportunities.
How do you show them you like them? Through the power of reciprocity – be the first to give (this is called Freeplay in gaming). It’s not about what you want from them; it’s about how you can support them first. You can’t make a withdrawal from a bank account when you haven’t made a deposit yet.
- Show you value them through words. When you show authentic interest in someone, they become more interested in you.If you see a colleague or team member under stress, ask “Is there anything I can do for you?”
- Through actions. I know of a Casino Resort GM who shows up at 5 am to do a drop with security one day and the following week works side by side with housekeeping to strip beds.
- Be a resource. If you find a relevant article or social media post – send it to them.
By implementing these three actionable steps, you will begin the process of influencing and impacting others with intention.
FREE – to download chapter 1-3 of Haydee’s latest book “Packaged For Success” click here.

For 21 years, Haydee Antezana has been a global speaker and program facilitator. She has worked with organizations like Hyatt, Hilton, Johnson & Johnson and Bayer who want to increase their Leaders’ and Teams’ Influence & Impact. Her Power-Packed, High Energy and Engaging Programs are a fit, if your organization needs to: ✦ Elevate the Customer Experience ✦ Boost Growth and Profits ✦ Have a Competitive Advantage ✦ Inspire your Leaders and Team Members to Thrive Personally and Professionally.
For a customized solution to suit your needs click here or email ask@haydeeantezana.com
Visit www.haydeeantezana.com to see Haydee in action.
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