Note from President Ben Farber

It has been a rollercoaster year for the world, including for our Bristol family and our entire network. I am inspired by our team’s perseverance, as well as the strength and resilience of our clients and candidates. We have all adjusted and maneuvered through many obstacles in order to keep the doors open and the lights on. We are humbled by and grateful for our peers.
Every industry has had its fair share of downturns and emotions. Well, almost every industry (looking at you Amazon and Netflix). We have experienced much of the same. We have made some very critical placements, providing support when people and companies need it most. At the same time other searches were either canceled or put on hold indefinitely. Overall, though, the good news is that career opportunities and jobs do exist, even in this uncertain market.
People are more excited than ever just to see us post a new position. As we alluded to mere months ago, the culture of sharing and networking simply to help others has exploded. This has driven our industry forward and assisted in fueling the rebound of the economy. The US has added back more than 12M jobs since the halt began in March. We have truly gotten through this year together.
As we look forward to a new year, the light at the end of the tunnel is almost here.
To help another is to heal oneself.
In health and wellness,
Benjamin Farber
Bristol Associates, Inc.
Bristol Associates, Inc. is an executive search firm with over 50 years of excellence in recruiting nationwide. Bristol specializes in recruiting for the Casino Gaming; CBD; Facilities and Concessions; Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Hospital and Healthcare; Hotels and Resorts; Nonprofit; Restaurant; and Travel, Tourism, and Attractions industries.
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